21 March

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Younger Looking Face 

What about if there was a viable Botox alternative available?

 As we age, our face often takes on a tired appearance. Lines form around the eyes; dark circles appear along with eye bags to rival a bloodhound. Our eyes speak a telling story about our life: how we've lived; how we've laughed, and how we've cried.

But often, over time, the story is a painful one to see, it takes us by surprise and we think, - Who is that? staring back in the mirror.

Over a staggering $150 billion dollars is spent every year in the U.S. on skin-care, proving the desire to look as young as possible is a very strong one. So why would you want a Botox alternative?

Botox is a derived from a deadly toxin produced by a bacteria called closteridium botulinum. This is the same bacteria that produces the disease known as botulism, which comes from consuming food contaminated by the bacteria. Botox was approved by the FDA to be administered as an injection to temporarily paralyze small underlying facial muscles that cause crow's feet and wrinkles to form.

Botox isn't cheap--it costs between $300-$700 per treatment, depending on the area treated. The effects of the Botox treatments to smooth out those annoying lines usually last anywhere between six and eight months.

While there is absolutely no doubt as to the efficacy of Botox, there is always lingering doubt about the long term effects of injecting such a deadly toxin into our faces.

Of course, cosmetic botox is a highly diluted version of the C.botulinum bacteria, but that does not mean that it is not without side effects. Recent research links botox to muscle weakness, speech difficulties, head aches, nausea and bruising at the injection site.

So if one wants Botox's results without the high price tag or potential side effect, what is a viable Botox alternative? Eyelasticity, a new skin-care product on the market, features an exciting ingredient known as Syn®-ake. This ingredient is a synthetic form of the Temple Viper snake's venom, and topically blocks the nerve impulses that form lines and wrinkles just like Botox does, but without the long-term effects.

While many skin-care products fail to live up to their promises as a botox alternative, Eyelasticity Age-Defying Eye Therapy isn't one of them.

Clinical studies prove the effectiveness of Syn®-ake. This ingredient reduced forehead wrinkles by as much as 52%, and it is suitable for minimizing the look of crow's feet and supporting and nourishing the supporting collagen matrix of the skin.

The potent ingredients in Eyelasticity soften expression lines and end dark circles and puffiness in the eye area. In fact, studies showed that using Eyelasticity reduced those unslighly dark circles by as much as 35%; reduced the prevalent puffiness around the eyes in 90% of study volunteers and boosted collagen production by a whopping 1,190%.

With those sort of numbers, Eyelasticity is one of the best and hardest working Botox alternatives around.

Interested in Botox, but turned off by its high price and potential side effects? Why not think about a botox alternative to reduce and soften crow's feet and laugh lines? Learn more at http://is.gd/eyewrinkles

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